sepup Unit 2: Ecology
Digital Resources
The 3rd edition for this kit is now online, including teacher manuals and student ebooks. To access the online materials, you will need to login with your ECS Google account through Clever. Once you are in the Clever site, click on the "Lab-Aids" app to access the Lab-Aids portal.
Within the Lab-Aids portal, you will need to assign the student eBooks to your class. You are able to assign the units one at a time, which will allow you control over which content you students can see and use. After finishing a unit, you can either unassign or allow the students to have access to the unit throughout the year.

Explore the links to unit resources for both teachers and students.
Compare data collected by scientists in the years before and after the arrival of the zebra mussels. From the data, begin to build a picture of how the ecosystem has changed.
read the Overview for background information about the river, its inhabitants, and their interactions;
access Curricular Materials--videos and text passages with discussion questions;
Graph the Data to pick which factors to view in relation to one another; and
Make a Scatterplot to help observe patterns in the data.
Download onto an iPad or MacBook. Open in Pages. Template to accompany Ecology Unit -activity 73.
Created by Michelle Holderman, 6th Grade, Eastwood.
Nematodes Essay Project
Ecology Unit, Activity 80
(By Michelle Holderman, 6th grade, Eastwood)
Slide of activities and the set up is similar to what they will see at West side. Each slide is an activity with warm up question and vocabulary (purple are new words)
(By Mackinzie Kempton, 6th grade, Daly)
Student slides for a digital science notebook with some sheets related to activities included and slides for vocabulary words. Notebooks in English and Spanish.
(By Mackinzie Kempton, 6th grade, Daly)
Trade Books
Epic Collection
Tap here to view a book collection for this unit on Epic! to share with your students.

View the supplemental materials that come with the kit.
Tips and Tricks

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packing list
kit contact information
kit return process
unit Tips
View tips for this unit on
setting up
teaching the lessons
wrapping up/packing up
Unit Video
View the video to see the unit highlights.